8 months week 1

[22-28 June]


This week, H continues to be very active in crawling and can easily climb up the couch to reach things that interest thing above him.


He also played for a few times in the outdoor playground (still doesn’t know how to play much yet in the playground and we couldn’t let him crawl on the platforms but he did hold onto the bars and stuffs). So, today, N and I went to Shatin and bought a pair of real shoes for him (with good grip and comfortable design)!


He is also babbling a lot more and saying mama, mam mam, baba.

Every night, before falling asleep, he would be crawling here and there on our bed, climbing over obstacles e.g. pillows or my body, and standing up by holding on to the walls (he would put both hands on the wall with his fee still far from the wall, and then slowly walk into the wall) and he would reach for the stars (glow-in-the-dark pieces we pasted on the wall). He loves to reach things that are above him!


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